The terms ‘generative art’ and ‘computer art’ have...
April 25, 2012
The terms ‘generative art’ and ‘computer art’ have been used in tandem, and more or less interchangeably, since the very earliest days. For the first exhibition of computer art was called
Generative Computergraphik (see the description of the event in Nake 2005). It was held in Stuttgart in February 1965 and showed the work of Georg Nees. Four years later he produced the first PhD thesis on computer art, giving it the same title as the exhibition (Nees 1969). That thesis was soon widely consulted by the small but growing community, harnessing the words
generative and
computer together in its readers’ minds.
Boden, Margaret A., and Ernest A. Edmonds. “What is generative art?”
Digital Creativity 20. 1 (2009): 21-46.
(Source: carvalhais)