Makerbot test prints done at Generator.x 3.0

March 04, 2012

During the recent Generator.x 3.0 workshop I did some Makerbot prints that ought to push the limits of what’s printable, i.e. with high surface detail, overhangs, “bridges” etc. Strangely enough the finer detail of a MK7 stepstruder didn’t necessarily help, although to be fair our MK7 machine was plagued by a non-level print platform.

Still, I had some interesting results pointing to new possibilities provided models take into account the limitations of the extrusion process. Lattice forms are definitely possible, just look at Frederik Vanhoutte’s models.

GX30-iMAL 9203 Makerbot tests GX30-iMAL 9362 Makerbot tests 2012-03-03 21.44.03 SheetStar Makerbot GX30-iMAL 9206 Makerbot tests


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